Monday, November 30, 2009

Whatever Comes

Sunset Rays

"Asking is not doubting.  It is trusting."
"It takes more faith to ask than it takes to fear the asking.  It takes faith to be ready for whatever comes, and faith to persevere with more questions if the answer is not understood.  Asking an honest question means being ready to change in response to the answer, and short of martyrdom, change may be the ultimate act of faith."
Athol Dickson
The Gospel According to Moses
Photo by Randy Richner

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Birthday Wishes

Guess what I got for my birthday?

Ok, so it wasn't the mini.  Which I did want. 
(Something got lost in translation and God gave me the van version.) 
I told Matt last night that it doesn't feel right to be 37. 
I feel 40 this year. 
So I'm celebrating my 40th  for the next 3 years. 
At least.  Maybe I'll celebrate it for 3 more years after that.
That should give God time to give me an exchange,
and Matt time to change the sign on the mini...and wrap it. 

Thursday, November 19, 2009

All Night

Photo by Bgrace

Lay your hand
Over my heart
It's leaking valves
And bleeding parts

In the dark
I don't need to fight
We close the door
Take rest from sight

Kiss my head
Stroke my hair
Whisper softly
Your there, theres.

When I ask,
You hold me
Your warm arms enfolding
Longer than all night.

And I know
Because you told me
That you're gonna hold me
Longer than all night.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Thorns by Bgrace

I asked Ted once, "How do you keep moving toward the one that wounds you?" 
"What does He offer you?" he asked. 
Unenthusiastically, I mustered up my best Sunday School answer, "Eternal life." 
"What about the very breath that you breathe?" he said.

More breaths, more wounds. 

Following God and experiencing intimacy with Him has its moments of wonder and beauty.  But it is also very painful.  If we want more than just to be known--if we want to know Him, to receive Him, to be changed by Him--than so much of us has to be opened up and taken apart and broken down.  We must move through the confusion toward understanding.  Through the pain into the wound. 
It's excruciating. 
Only then can we understand that the cross is the blessing.
Ressurection waits on the other side.

I find myself thinking about what kind of strength Jesus must have had to wear his thorns, to move toward the cross.  Look at His struggle in the garden.  Knowing what was on the other side didn't take away the enormity of what He would have to go through.

I'm tired. 
At this point I'd rather curl up under the olive tree next to John and Peter and take a long nap. 
But the wound won't let me.  Sooner or later it wakes me up and reminds me that I have something more to do.  That there is a reason the wound is there.  That it is pushing me and pulling me toward something more.  Toward a purpose, toward a greater intimacy, toward home.
And probably toward more wounds.

It's time to grab the thorns. 
I'm going to need a lot of breath.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Some Daze

Some Daze
Photo by bgrace

Some days I wish you'd erase from my mind
The things I've heard, felt and seen.
I'd have no memories, no thoughts that bind
The present untainted, a slate wiped clean.
Some days I wish you'd make it all clear
A key to the cipher; an angel's "do not fear."
I'd be free from confusion, free from duress
Ready to fly, or simply to rest.
But these days I'm becoming more and more sure
The dilemmas you've dealt have no human cure.
You're showing me things I can't seem to know
Taking me places I can't really go
Instead of clearing up all doubt
Of what I'm in, and how to get out
You're waiting
For me
To turn my eyes to You
And ask
"Who are You?"

Originally Posted on Trigo Sem Joio 9-9-08

Friday, November 6, 2009

This Is Now...

We're better at a few things than we used to be.  Like celebrating for starters. 
And taking pictures.  And kissing in public.  And taking pictures while kissing in public. 

But in all seriousness, we're better at being married too.
15 years in our love, respect, and admiration for each other has grown. 
So has our deep appreciation for God's work in our lives and in our family.
Matt looked at me last night and said, "You know, I wouldn't trade it for where we are now."
I studied his face curiously and said, "What do you mean by it?"
"Everything we've been through in the last 15 years for where we are today."
As I looked into his eyes I found that I believed him.
Happy Anniversary, Matthew Todd.  I love you.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Back Then...

15 Years ago today was the day before my wedding.  It's a day girls seem to wait for their whole lives.  Mine was worth the wait. I got the photos out and showed them to the girls for the first time.  At least, for the first time they remember.  Grace giggled over how young everyone looked back then and Sarah didn't even recognize Matt.  I did not know much about photos back then, and there are so many photos I wish we had taken.  These were some I didn't include in my album for one reason or another.  Probably because there wasn't such a thing as digital cropping.  But after scanning them and messing with them a bit I decided these deserved a second look.  There's something about sepia that says "old in a good way."  Oh--and doesn't Matt look COMPLETELY different clean-shaven?

Below are two pictures that are special to me.
Kristin was my made of honor, and a friend I never deserved to have.  Brittany, my cousin, was my flower girl and is all grown up now. So many memories...

Monday, November 2, 2009


Roaring Brook
Photo by Bgrace

Over my vacant hapless

Wait in the womb of undeveloped

Bring forth from your lips

Command that heaven and earth split into ordered

Into my lifeless dust