Thursday, April 29, 2010


So I would love to show you some pictures of Bermuda, but I didn't take my camera.  (Yes, on purpose.) But I did finally figure out what I want to be when I grow up....A Pirate.  (Yes, I'm absolutely serious.)
Sleeping in a boat is like being rocked in a giant hammock.  It made me so sleepy. 
I'll tell you about the Bermuda long tails (the most elegant seagulls you can ever imagine), the crystal caves--coolest discovery story, volcanoes, and the stormy seas another day.  Oh, and I must also tell you about La Dama de las Mariposas (Felix Mas).  And the guy who played Bosa Nova for us, and the couple who danced and made me cry.  And the SEA.  The glorious sea and the pink sand and the shelter of rocks I found myself in--"As the mountains surround Jerusalem so the Lord protects his people..."  OH, and when you get a chance, you just HAVE to ask Matt about his watch...something about it not working right...sooooo funny. I'll tell you about how we got a table for two and the couple from Harvard and the writers. Serendipity all over the place. Oh, and how the Lord paid for our cruise tickets a week after he told me to get them.  (He's so maddenly wonderful when he does stuff like that.)  And maybe I'll share with you some of the pieces I wrote while I was watching the sea--oh and about the dolphins. And about Night and Coverings and Linings and God's Wisdom hidden in creation but revealed to us.  Colors--teal and aquamarine and my conversation with Matt about meaning and all sorts of fun stuff.  And secrets too.  And borders and passports into foreign lands. And seriously, I know it's the wrong time of year, but Stings Upon a Winters Night (something like that) is so perfect.  I worshipped with him on Sunday Morning. It's incredibly rich--I wonder if he knows the One he's singing to. There's so much I haven't even written about yet that I have to put down before I forget. But I got some kind of a cold on board and I'm so tired.  And if I don't blog about it all just come over for tea and a Cuban cigar and I'll tell you about it. (Just kidding about the cigar, Dad.) 
I love you.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Bon Voyage

Royal Caribbean, Economy Class
Photo by Bgrace

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010


A gentle answer turns away wrath...(Proverbs 15:1)

Healing tongues are a tree of life...(Proverbs 15:4)

"...worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." I Chronicles 16:29

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclain the work of his hands."  Psalm 19:1

All photos by Bgrace
Scripture NIV