Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Some Daze

"Some Daze"
photo by bgrace
Some days I wish you'd erase from my mind
The things I've heard, felt and seen.
I'd have no memories, no thoughts that bind
The present untainted, a slate wiped clean.
Some days I wish you'd make it all clear
A key to the cipher; an angel's "do not fear."
I'd be free from confusion, free from duress
Ready to fly, or simply to rest.
But these days I'm becoming more and more sure
The dilemmas you've dealt have no human cure.
You're showing me things I can't seem to know
Taking me places I can't really go
Instead of clearing up all doubt
Of what I'm in, and how to get out
You're waiting
For me
To turn my eyes to You
And ask
Who are You?

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