Friday, October 31, 2008

14 Years

Established Nov. 5 1994


Carol said...

Happy Anniversary Matt & Becky!!! I love the picture. You two have weathered a great deal and I believe you are stronger for it. I pray that you will grow closer to one another and to our God in the days to come!

Love you both!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Matt and Becky. May God abundantly bless you. Thank you for your friendship. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Becky and Matt!

You are much loved and appreciated.
How often I remember those days in
Lancaster/Woodbury putting that wedding day together. God brought
two very special people together on that day and we cherish all the
memories we have of spending time with you and the girls. And Matt
scores really high with being able
to put up with his in-laws so many
times and so many days. We love
you both. Hope you had a great time in New York...looking forward
to seeing some pictures soon!
Mom and Dad