Saturday, March 28, 2009

Aisle 5

Shapes in Water
Photo by Bgrace

It happened in front of the Miracle Whip.

Which seems appropriate.

I had gone to the grocery store to get Gatorade for Matt. I got to the parking lot and you're not going to believe this...OK, maybe you are...but I forgot my purse. So I had to go back home, get my purse, and work quickly through my list. It was double $1.00 coupon week at Giant, and there's this expensive whole mustard that is great to cook with that I never buy because it's over $3.00 for a little jar. But it was on sale and I had a coupon that would double, so I knew I could get it really cheap.

So I was getting mustard, and he was looking down at his grocery list in front of the mayo.

It was bound to happen. I mean, we live in the same town and all. It used to happen often. Back then it just didn't really register on my mental radar because I used to talk to him everyday anyway. But the thing hasn't happened, not in a long time. Today, though, it was right. Like it was supposed to happen. And there was peace and so much goodwill, and trust. Not manufactured. Just there. An opening from above. It was as if we hadn't even missed a beat. Two old friends that can talk about important stuff whether it's been a day or a year.

As I turned to finish my grocery shopping, after an hour in front of the Miracle Whip in a crowded grocery store on a Saturday afternoon, I realized that God had answered a prayer of mine. Maybe one of his too. I felt a beautifully clean, warm contentedness washing its way through my spirit. It was a feeling I felt like home.

Thank you, Lord...for letting me visit.

1 comment:

jean said...

Becky, how awesome our God who knows ahead of time the importance of leaving a purse at home. I rejoice with you...the blessings from above and His Hand that continues to guide.