Monday, April 6, 2009

Everything is Changing

robin's back
Photo by Bgrace

Sam and I toured the yard this morning. Some of my asparagus is already ready to harvest. My strawberry plants have these vibrant green leaves that are reaching up and out all over the place. My mint patch is beginning to sprout up and my raspberry stems look like little patches of poison ivy surrounding the deck. The heather along the side of the house is bushy with purple buds and my azalea's leaves are preparing for their Mother's Day celebration.

Spring is fighting it's way onto the scene again.
Winter couldn't hold it back forever.

Red breasted robins are all over my yard.
They look like they've been shot in the heart, but they sing anyway.

Amy Carmichael always reminds me that things happen in the winter time that we can't see until spring.
"The snow-time is full of quiet secrets too, for we are carefully keeping secrets with our God about the growing things under the snow, secrets like those a child keeps with its mother, little private understandings not to be spoken aloud. A glance, a smile, a touch of the hand, that is their speech." (Gold by Moonlight)
I can hardly wait for the lilacs!!!

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