Hey all, We have been having such a good time here in Brazil. Time has just zipped by. I feel like I have rediscovered a lost part of myself. There is so much about this country that I love. Every time I see a Brazilian flag I feel like I am reuniting with a long lost friend. My Portuguese is slowly coming back--the language is so beautiful. I love having papayas, sweet mini bananas, pineapple and mangoes for breakfast with warm bread fresh from the local bakery and COFFEE!! I have aquired a new appreciation for palm trees. I am obsessed with them. Especially coconut trees. Naps in the hammocks--I already bought two to bring home. I even like the burning hot sun. Seriously, it is no wonder people wear so little clothing in this country. I like getting my nails done (everyone does--and they do it so much better here and it is sooo cheap) and even (barely) survived a Brazilian bikini wax. (I know--TMI!!) I love the shoes and rocks and restaurants--rodizios and churrascarias and pastelarias--so different here. We are having such a great vacation.
I love the architecture here. Matt and I like taking walks and just looking at the houses. Beautiful lines. Beautiful materials. Gorgeous wood, ceramic, marble, granite. I want to build a house here so badly. Decorate it with handwoven fabrics and tropical plants and trees and beautiful pieces from the local artists. Speaking of artists, my brother has hooked me up with all sorts of new music. Seriously, he is a great spinner. One of his best friends is a very famous singer here (opened for Coldplay last year) and we are supposed to spend some time with him and his family and go to his concert later this month. Ill have to post more info on him later. The best part of being here is just that I can spend time with my family. My parents, my grandpa, and especially spending time with Daren. Its been 10 years since I have seen him. We are so enjoying being together and the girls absolutely adore him. He is a fabulous uncle and I love having a brother who looks after me. I am going to miss him terribly when we leave, but he and his girlfriend Viviane are planning on coming to the States--maybe even this year.
At some point I will probably put up a slide show of pictures, but since I do not have picture editing software here, that will have to wait. I thought for now I would post a bit of a recap of the last two weeks. I will start with Christmas Day and work my way forward. Enjoy!
Christmas was so nice. I had so much fun bringing goodies from the States for the family. When we were little, anytime someone came from the US and brought us things we could not get here it was like Christmas no matter what time of year it was. We could hardly wait to get their suitcases opened. I had done a lot of shopping for everyone--it really helps that we are off season--I got some great deals. Of course, because of security I had to pack everything unwrapped--but Costco saved me with a great deal on tissue paper and beautiful gift bags that were really easy to pack flat.

Daren was in charge of the Christmas churrasco. He is amazing at the grill.
First he grilled garlic bread and sausage.
Then he served it as an appetizer with farofa. SOOO yummy.
Then it was time for the filet mignon.
Mom prepared the rest of the feast. It was my kind of Christmas dinner.
The girls finished the afternoon cooling off in the pool that was a present from Daren and Vive.
I know you might have been dreaming of a white Christmas...
but this Christmas my dreams came true in green and yellow.
What a beautiful gift for Christmas and precious memories. Great pictures of the family and Sarah hugging her great Grandpa.
See you all soon!!
Becky - I LOVE THE PICTURES! I can't wait to hear all about your adventure. And what a wonderful thing that your compadre is joining you in just a few short days. Hopefully, I am going to snag a dinner out with her before her adventure begins.
Take care dear one. Soak up every moment just as you soak up the rays of the sun. Kids grow up way too soon, the seasons of life bring about change and before you know it - it is a memory.
Love you!
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