Sunday, June 20, 2010

Favorite Things #2

Red Shoes and Yellow Dresses

Photos by M. Daddy Bruckner


Jean said...

Great pictures that truly capture the sweetness of mom and Sarah. You are blessed for sure with beautiful daughters.

Lauren said...

Killing me. That's what I want.

Rebecca Grace said...

We went out for lunch today and after we took these pictures, on the way to the van, Matt says,"I am truly a rich man."
(We're glad he thinks so.)

Anonymous said...

Could the love for red shoes be
inherited through genes? Your
day with Sarah and the red shoes
brought back memories of a mom and
a daughter who loved/and love red
shoes. I'll try to get the story
written. Keep having fun with
favorite things...we may discover
more that have been passed on.
I loved your new skirt, Sarah!
Love, vovo e maezinha