Thursday, January 22, 2009

So many stories in one...

So today I was working on a series of pictures that were taken on a little outing with friends. And there were like 24 shots I took of Sarah and these wood rounds she discovered. I remember that they were fairly heavy and I was surprised that she could even lift them. But she decided she was going to build, and she was determined. As I worked on the photos, I realized that I was seeing myself in her pictures. That what she was doing was a fitting illustration of what I feel like I'm going through in my journey. It manifests itself in different ways at varying levels. I was touched by her focus, by her determination, by her persistence, and by her undying commitment. She gave herself fully to the task at hand. Everyone else around her had moved on to something else, but she kept working. And in the end, it gave her, and others, great joy.
Thank you Sarah, for being you, and so beautifully at that.


Lauren said...

Such a great day. Such quality time with ones that we love.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Sarah! Wish I could have
been there to see it all happen but
your mom did a great job of describing and comparing it to life's real journey. It looks like
you had a really cute playmate
along for the outing.
Keep giving your mom such great
illustrations. Love you Grammy