Sunday, May 2, 2010

No More Than Four

"Sarah, come here.  I need to talk to you about something very important," I said.  She trotted over to my bedside where I had been reading and cocked her head to one side and squinted expectantly at me. 
"I can't tell you until you sit on my lap, it's very important."
She obligingly crawled up onto the bed and squatted on my belly and started squishing my cheeks together with her hands.  With as much seriousness as I could muster between squished cheeks I said,
"Sarah, you are not allowed to grow up any more.  Do you see my hand?"  I splayed my fingers in front of her face.  "How many is this?" 
"FIVE!" she shouted a little too loudly for the distance between us. 
"Right!" I said, "You are not allowed to do this."  I pointed to my hand.  "Only this," I said as I put my thumb down and showed her four fingers.  She giggled and then saucily asked, "Why?"
"Because if you turn five I won't have a baby anymore," I sighed in my saddest voice.  She laughed and squished my cheeks again. 
"Mommy, you're just kiddin'," she giggled.
"Well," I said, "Do you promise to be my baby forever even if your not a baby anymore?" 
"I promise!" she said firmly.  Then she added, "Daddy said I can have a playdate with Drew."
Lord help me, I'm not ready for that.  She skipped happily away and I was left to wonder how soon the last of her babyness would vanish. 
Since the beginning of the year I have spent a lot of time focusing on the idea of reverence, the fear of the Lord. 
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Prov. 9:10
I'm learning so much, but I've been reluctant to share my thoughts because the subject seems so beyond the reach of words.  It's become so much a part of my world that it eventually begins to leak into my writings and I'm trying to be willing to share some of my thoughts and experiences.  I've tried to allow the fear of the Lord be the basis of everything.  Not there yet, trust me.  But it has changed the way I look at everything from spending money to eating, to writing, to working...well everything really.  Today, as I was getting ready for Sarah's Birthday party, I began to process why we celebrate.  Why do we honor people's birthdays?  And I felt it was a good and important thing to celebrate Sarah.  Sarah is important to God.  Important to our family.  Important to this world. 
Sarah was a very special baby to me.  She gave me a will to live beyond myself.  She also kept me away from numbing myself with narcotics during a time when I was going through excruciating pain.  I didn't want to take any medication that would harm my baby.  What I went through during that time was so important, and Sarah not only gave me the will to get through it, but to get through it with my eyes wide open.  I can hardly believe it was four years ago.  I remember the night she was born. My room was dark but the curtain was open to the city lights.  Matt was sleeping in the chair next to me.  I think it was about 2:30 AM.  I held Sarah in my arms and the tears streamed down my face.  I knew at that moment that all that I had gone through was worth it if the only thing I ever gained from it was her.  I still feel that way.
As I thought of all the new year might open up for Sarah, I realized that Matt and I are marking a period of closure as well.  About a year after Sarah was born, Matt and I decided we would not have anymore children.  It was a decision I prayed over very carefully.  Matt decided that he would be the one to have surgery and I believed that was the right decision.  But about two years ago I began to sense an opening in my spirit in a different direction.  I thought a lot about adopting a Brazilian boy, and even that when we visited my parents it would be good to look into it.  I was hoping my Brazilian citizenship might make the process less complicated.  But when I brought the idea up to Matt he was really firm that it was not what he wanted.  I knew I needed to respect that.  So Brazil came and went and yet still I felt an opening in my spirit.  I also knew that I could never pressure or guilt Matt into something like this.  If it was God's will than God would put the desire in his heart as well.  This would have to be brought about through Divine workings.
Now, I have to explain some things that are going to seem like they don't have anything to do with the last paragraph, but hold on for a bit because they do.
Whenever I see a cardinal, I think of Matt.  I guess you could say there is a symbolism in it for me.  And a few months ago, for reasons I could not explain, I started to feel very impressed by the color yellow, with red accents.  It is not uncommon for the Lord to speak to me through colors, but this one had me stumped. 
One afternoon I was at Rev. Mary's house and we were talking about birds, and how I often feel like God uses birds to teach me.  (Remind me to repost my story about seagulls.  I know--I keep saying I will do it, but I never do.  I'll figure it out soon.)  Anyways, Rev. Mary heartily agreed and was telling me some examples from her own journey.  ( I am so blessed to have her in my life, she makes me feel so normal.)  Just then I heard a loud tapping sound.  She smiled and said, "There's something you need to see. Go into my bedroom and peek very slowly around the doorway to the window."  I did as she said, all the while hearing the tapping  and as I saw the window I could hardly believe my eyes.  There, on the outside of the window was a beautiful yellow bird with hints of red tapping it's beak on the window like it was knocking and wanting to come in. 
I found myself in one of those moments where all the stuff that's been muddling about in your spirit collides with the physical world and all I could feel was awe.  But I didn't know what it meant.
"What kind of bird is that?"  I asked.
"It's the female cardinal." she said. 
The moment her words touched my ears the Lord shocked me so hard I had to hold myself up against the wall to keep from falling.  She was also aware of it and suggested I might need a moment.  We sat in the living room.  "What do you think the Lord is saying to you Becky?" she said calmly. 
"Well, the red cardinal is Matt," I said to Mary.  "I've known that for a while, but I didn't know the female cardinal was yellow."  I thought for a bit.  "God has been asking me for sometime what I want about something specific--about a birth."  I continued, "I thought He was just trying to help me want what He wants, but  now I'm actually beginning to feel like He's giving me a choice."  We talked through some possibilities of what it all could mean, if it was something in the natural or spiritual--but I still wasn't sure what the Lord was getting at. 
The next few weeks whenever I walked through the gardens I saw a pair of cardinals, one red and one yellow, carrying on like birds do in springtime.  The Lord kept asking me, "What do you want?"  I felt like He would walk me through my options, and then just as I thought I was sure I knew what I wanted He would show me another possibility or another way of looking at it all.  All the while he would place the question in my heart, "What do you want?"  At times I would get frustrated with the process and throw it back at Him, "I don't know what I want!  There's too many variables!  Just tell me what You want!  I want what You want!" 
Again He would help me to know more.  Finally I came to see that He was helping me to see the big picture--through His eyes.  This was why Vermeer's Painting was so significant to me.  I think in the end He knew I would desire what He desired, but He gave me the sweetness of  going through the process of allowing it to come from my deepest convictions, because it was the right decision, and because it became what I truly wanted, and not just because I thought God wanted me to want it.  It wasn't about just knowing, it was about becoming.  I knew my choice, and I knew God was pleased.  I'm not saying God gave me a guarantee.  I'm saying He allowed me to choose a possibility.
I never told Matt I was wrestling through any of this at the time.  Like I said earlier, I knew if his heart was going to change, it would have to be God's doing.  I sensed that something important was going to happen during our cruise to Bermuda, but I didn't know what to expect.  One night, we were headed back to our cabin after dinner and Matt had been flirting with babies all night.  He is a baby magnet and always points them out and coos over them.  I said to him lightheartedly, "I don't understand, you love babies so much but you don't want another one."  He answered quite seriously, "I never said that.  I said I didn't want to adopt.  If you want a baby, I will go get a reversal and we'll have another."  I was stunned.  "Really?" I said.  "You would do that?"  He was very sure, "Yes, I would."
There it was, handed to me on a platter.  No cajoling, no manipulating, no begging.  Like the Lord said, I had a choice.  But in the very words Matt chose was the affirmation that I had already made the right one.  If I wanted one, we would have one.  It wasn't what he wanted, though he would be willing to want it for me...because he loves me.  He was content, satisfied.  In that moment I felt peace that Sarah would be our last baby.  And she will always be our baby. 
It's funny, after I made my decision, the red faded from my yellow.  It was replaced with gray.  Sometimes gray represents a fogginess or confusion, a lack of clarity or even an emotional dullness.  But in the last few months the Lord has specifically been using it to represent wisdom to me--something I certainly want to welcome.  I know we all do.  The yellow speaks of light--which I hope to walk in as the Lord leads. 
Sarah's middle name is Madison.  It means son of Matthew, or in her case, child of Matthew.  Even though she came about through a time of great confusion, I know that she was a child we were chosen to have.  We are so blessed. 
You are so precious, Sarah Bear, SaSah, Babydoll, Princess...and yes, you will ALWAYS be our baby girl.
Tomorrow we'll go to the park and you can ride your new bike as long as you want...after all, it is your Birthday.
And tomorrow I will also post pictures of Sarah's Birthday party on The B Girls Blog (FYI Grandma and Grandpa).  The one at the top is Sarah by her Birthday tree.  (I hear butterflies like them, but that story is for another post.)


Anonymous said...

Hello Becky,
I will be calling you a bit later but wanted to let you know that I read your blog. I then sat down and wrote on the subject of God's will concerning something very important to me on this very day. By the way, I believe we finally have our replacement. Hopefully he will be installed as pastor of Cai Valley Baptist Church in early February of 2011. Who knows, we may be on our way to the states shortly after that. Well, read my little exercise in the attached and don't get mad. Just accept the fact that your dad is being stretched and it isn't always comfortable. I love you and would just be super happy to have another grandchild.

Dan, what do you really want? Ask with faith and in humility and in the fear of the Lord.
I received an interesting blog. Letter from Becky today. It is the 4th birthday of Sarah and Sarah means so much to her and Mat also to me and Diana. Sarah and the big apple over my little apple in the little bike trailer singing her heart out after stopping at an apple orchard in ETown, Pennsylvania. We had at that time, what I call a “divine conversation”. I don’t think I would ever forget that conversation with Sarah even though her mouth was full of apple--- even if I had Alchaimers. (sp). What an interesting blog post Becky wrote from her heart and something she knew would be read by her dad and others.
Becky knows that this would bother me somewhat because she is on a page that rattles my cage. Yet, because she is my daughter and because I love her so deeply, I will continue to seek wisdom from above as to how to council her yet be at the same time in pursuit of hearing from God through His Word as I normally do. Birds can certainly be used of God as God used other animals in the Bible to accomplish His will. I just want to be filled with the Word and be walking in the Spirit and filled with the Spirit and in fellowship with Him before I give much of anything to birds of yellow in springtime communicating a message to me. Maybe Becky is doing just that and is far ahead of me as to hearing from God. That is possible and I know that pain and suffering could very easily have helped her gain this advantage. So, just be grateful to God and “be still” Daniel and allow her to move about in the fear of God. She will need balance that maybe God wants me to provide her as a loving dad.
Now, all this happens on a day that may be historic as it relates to retirement, Cai Valley Baptist Church, their future and ours. Denis Salgado at not quite 24 years of age to be my replacement. Am I crazy? What is God’s will here? Am I to look for two cardinals of yellow and red mating or am I to trust in the normal way of things to determine the will of God in the matter that really does matter to me and many others? Right now I have in my heart a green light. I can see the birth of a whole new chapter. The young replacing the old. Handing over the torch to our replacement and believing that with God’s help, this young man and his future wife is the couple for a very significant mission here in south Brazil that just may have international significance. Do I need confirmation and if so what sort am I to look for? Or has there been ample confirmation already? Ask in faith, never doubting is what I read in James 1 this morning before ever writing one word. Still, God is so mysterious and beyond finding out yet I know He has called us to this work. He is more interested about it and its future than I or anyone else with the exception of satan himself. Is He “big enough” to protect it and provide for its growth and influence? I am absolutely sure that He is and will. I will now prepare to meet with my co-worker Randy Southwell and Denis over a cup of coffee and trust that it will be another “divine conversaton” as was when sitting on the seat of the bike with Sarah in the trailer singing her heart out with her mouth filled with apple as we coasted down the hill.

Rebecca Grace said...

Oh Dad,
I'm not offended at all. It has taken me so long to have the courage to accept for myself that this is a part of the Lord's way of speaking to me now. And then to write publicly about it? Why does He ask it of me? But it is part of my call.
That you love me, that you open your arms to me and that you pray for me is more than enough. That you are not ashamed of me and that you are willing to be still and listen to God should He reveal Himself to you in new ways is what He asks of all of us and is just part of what makes me so proud that you are my Daddy.
I can't see for the tears.
But do know this--I believe God speaks to all of us in ways that we can receive. You hear from God all the time in miraculous ways. Look at all the times God has intervened in spectacular ways over the years. I bet if you went through your journal you would find thousands of divine conversations and interventions. You were the one, with the help of the Holy Spirit, that planted the seeds in my heart to know how to listen to the Holy Spirit and to the WORD of God. However far I can see it will only be because I stand on your shoulders. He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it Dad...and what if, to some extent, that happens through me.
And now the Lord is telling me it is time. TIME to talk about it a little more. So in my next post I will tell you about La Dama de las Mariposas and the butterflies. And I will explain it to you as I did to Matt in our hour and a half conversation at dinner as we sailed the stormy seas. And I will pray that you will be able to receive as much of it as your faith allows, and the rest that You will entrust to the God who knows all things, and can sift the wheat from the weeds.
I love you Daddy, and I will always be your (only) baby girl.

jean said...

Becky, As I read your post I am reminded how the Lord has spoken to me throughout the past few years. I can relate to how God’s creation can comfort and affirm His Words He speaks to us. The dove has always been significant and continues to draw my heart and spirit to God. It was during a time when my own heart was heavy and filled with sorrow. Many times I would find myself kneeling before my window, praying and tears falling from my eyes that I would hear the woo of the dove and the comfort of the spirit would fill my being. I recall this one moment when the dove perched itself upon my window sill and it was as if it sensed my pain and waves of peace overcame my spirit. The night sky has as well drawn my eyes and heart to the beauty of the moon and stars and God bending His ear toward me when the night was filled with questions and He would speak. I often read your thoughts and know that God is giving you the words and thoughts to write. I have learned to open my eyes and ears to all that God desires to speak and as I read His Word it continues to affirm that my God is awesome and His ways are beyond all that we may think or even imagine.

I was reading the other day from “To Be Near Unto God” and the word "vada mecum" caught my attention. I have learned to pay close attention to words especially when they are impressed upon my spirit. Needless to say I had to look up this word. The context was in connection to John 17:3 “that they might know thee” the knowledge of the Most High. It was in reference to the Scriptures and the high priestly prayer of Jesus. "Vada mecum" means as a guidebook, a manual or useful object. But as I further read the definition it also means to “go with me” ...not only are the Scriptures a guide on our journey but also the life in which we are to follow. We are called to Follow. And in that following it means to me that I go with Him with Eyes Wide Open and Ears to Hear. To listen intently to all that God desires to speak in all creation. The Scriptures speak often of creation and the wisdom of God and will affirm the Words He has to say.

Your writings reflect the "vada mecum" in which you are following Him through pain and suffering, blessings and joy, and wisdom and knowledge in which He was revealed to you.
“Go with me” I believe those words are significant.


Rebecca Grace said...

It's funny, Jean. A couple of weeks ago I started carrying around The Official Appalachian Trail Guide to Maine. Not because I'm climbing MK any time soon-but because I felt the Lord had some things to say to me in it.
I was pondering some troubles that were really confusing and frustrating to me and looked through the help questions in the back. One in particular caught my eye. It asked, "What do I do if I should become disoriented?"
Here is the answer:
"In case of doubt as to the route, stop. Do not go forward. Insistence on going forward when the route seems obscure or dubious is a cardinal mistake. Retrace your route diliberately, slowly, and carefully until you find the last white blaze which served as a clear indication of the trail."
What I really felt God was saying through this was--if you're confused about this trail--go back to the last thing you know that you know was Me, and we can start out again together from there. The more I learn about how God has spoken, and does speak through Creation (Proverbs 8 is really key here), the more I realize that discerning what it speaks ONLY happens in the company of the Creator.
May we all go with Him.
I'll close with the quote at the beginning of the guide,"
To those who would see the Maine wilderness, tramp day by day through a succession of ever delightful forest, past lake and stream and over mountains, we would say: Follow the Appalachian Trail across Maine. It cannot be followed on horse or awheel. Remote for detachment, narrow for chosen company, winding for leisure, lonely for contempion, it beckons not merely north and south but upward to the body, mind and soul of man."
--Myron H. Avery,
In the Maine Woods (1934)

Carol said...

Hi Becky,

It has been some time since I last read your blog. I guess God brought me back to it as I have been thinking a good bit about you and Jean these past few days. I would so love to get together with both of you and chat. Maybe a cabin weekend? It would be so good to spend time together and to renew our friendships.

You are truly an inspiration to me. I know that God uses unusual circumstances to draw us to Himself. I know that Sarah came into your life during a time when you were so confused and feeling especially down. What a gift. She is a beautiful expression not only of the love that you and Matt share but more especially of the love that God shares with you. I pray that you will continue to seek the Father in the days and years to come as you seek to be a godly mother to these three beautiful young girls.

Please know that you are often in my thoughts and I have such fond memories of our times together. And am always grateful for the love that you showed me during an especially trying time in my life.

Hugs to you.

Rebecca Grace said...

Would you believe me if I told you I was thinking about you tonight? I brought you a hammock for your cabin from Brazil. I hope Dave can hang it for you. Shame on me for not getting it to you sooner. Let's get together soon. Call me--my numbers haven't changed.