Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Sarah & Branches
Photo by Bgrace

Love Letters

What is love that is not possessive?

That seeks only to give in a way that is good, right, and fitting

Without thought of what will be returned

Without regard for loss

Without need for permanence

The desire to belong consumes us to be knit so intimately

Until we can’t tell where one begins and another ends

Where there exists such harmony in spirit

That in giving to the other we experience the full blessing of receiving

Yet our love of self so deftly taints that which could be

It becomes wildly possessive and keeps its object constrained

To protect?

Or to avoid loss

Is there a difference between the bounds of covenant and the bounds of love?

God’s love knows no bounds

He is Spirit and in Him we live and move and have our being

Can we know boundless love in Spirit?

Not if we are bound to love in return for love

His covenant to us is always extended unconditionally

Yet we are free to accept it or reject it

Do we love God unconditionally?

He ordains blessing for one and suffering for another

Grace and punishment, healing and sickness, life and death

His love manifests itself in variably perfect ways because our life is about glory to Him

He loves us enough to guide us to a place where our lives can reflect His glory

I long to learn

To love in a way that will not harm

With truth and purity and abandon

With regard only for the soul and spirit of another

Not my own gain

To be willing to move my soul into my actions

So that God’s love may be known in every breath and movement

To be willing to suffer loss, to be humbled, to face rejection

As I die to having my own needs met as payment for all that I lay down

I turn my eyes to heaven

And wait expectantly for love to fall upon me like the rain

In those moments, my love is safe,

In those moments, my love is His love.

Compiled notes from my journal 11-24-05
Love Letters Originally Posted on Deep Calls
November 19, 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky,
Thanks so much for sending me The
Giving Tree. It was all I could do
not to cry. What a beautiful story! I forgot to put that on my
list of favorite classics. Thanks
too for the pictures of the girls.
What fun they seem to be having in
the sun. Tell them I sent them a
surprise in the mail. Hopefully it
will get there this weekend. Hugs,