I've been listening a little differently over the last few days. Many times when I'm listening to the Lord I'm listening specifically for His words...like when I'm reading Scripture, or praying and waiting for Him to answer. But not this time. I've been reading a book by Andrew Murray recently about abiding. It's profound in its address of the subject of abiding in Christ and I am learning a lot. Though often I find myself putting it down and feeling like I want to actually practice it more than read about it. (I'm sure Murray would approve.)
The thing is this--abiding is about a lot more than having a conversation with God. Abiding is about doing life together with God. About being IN God and God being IN me and being aware of the fact, choosing to open myself up to that living connection with Him and live out of that jointness at all times.
What I realize is, the more that is going on in your life, the harder that awareness is to maintain if God is not forcing it upon you. (Which, in my experience, sometimes He does.) So I've decided, as much as possible, to practice listening for His presence. Not for the purpose of speaking with Him or receiving guidance from Him. I want to simple be with Him and be aware of that. In the midst of the quiet as well as the chaos.
And I've been asking myself these questions,
"What does it mean to be in You?"
"What does it mean for You to be in me?"
"Why do I feel such intense restlessness at times and such peace at others?"
"Do You show us Your presence through the physical world in intimate ways--Do you warm my face with the sunlight in a way that feels like it's a personal gesture, and when I sense Your movement in my spirit do you blow the winds around me to show me Your presence surrounds?"
"Do You show us Your presence through the physical world in intimate ways--Do you warm my face with the sunlight in a way that feels like it's a personal gesture, and when I sense Your movement in my spirit do you blow the winds around me to show me Your presence surrounds?"
"What does your throne room look like? More like the center of an iris than a room in a castle?"
"Why is it that when I become more aware of You I become more aware of the beauty around me--in creation, in those I love, and even in those who are hard to love?"
"If abiding is so wonderful, why don't I want to more often?"
"What is it that gets in the way?"
The idea of "doing life together with God" sounds right to me...
My prayer this morning in worship and communion…Abba Father, Jesus, Spirit you Abide in us, may I come abide with you. It is the quiet presence of Jesus that draws my heart to come abide with Him before the throne of the Most High. I as well ask the questions of why it is at times difficult to remain in the abiding and it seems that Jesus then gently calls me to come abide with Him. It is during these times that His Words are clear and His promises are sure.
My heart was impressed with His words of Divine Power. “He has called us to receive His own glory and goodness and all the Almighty God is ours in the Lord Jesus! And He will tax the last grain of sand and the remotest star to bless us if we will obey Him.” Oswald Chambers.
I was reading Luke 24:36-53 “Why are you troubled and why do doubts rise in your mind? The response of Jesus I believe is true of His divine power. “Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.” And Jesus instructed His disciples “but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” All power is His and it is given to us. I read IIPeter 1:3
“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”
I am learning that by His abiding with me and I with him that He then is able to clothe me with His power. I walked this morning in the Gardens and He walked with me and the voice I heard was telling me I am His own. Come Abide In Me.
How interesting that Jean wrote some of the words from "In the Garden". As I read your post, Beck - that song came to my mind. It is a song from days gone by that is rarely song anymore. But it is so true that He does want to walk with us while the dew is still on the roses. Can I be quiet enough to hear Him tell me that I am His own? Oh that we may learn the truth of abiding in Him!
Blessings on you.
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