Sunday, June 28, 2009

Appointments, Part I

Painting of St. Marks United Methodist, Mount Joy

The past couple weeks have been so full it is hard to catch up with all that is going on. All the B girls are at home with me during the day now and I can't tell you how much fun we are having. We go to the park together, ride bikes, go to the pool, take walks, take pictures, go to the library, whatever sounds fun for the day. They are sleeping in now, so that means I can too! And they love to help me in the kitchen. I had them pick out some kids cook books from the library and each of them had to pick out a whole days worth of recipes, making sure they included food from each of the food groups. Then we made the recipes together.

Last week was Vacation Bible School Week. I decided to take them to St. Mark's United Methodist Church in Mount Joy. I did this because a few months ago, the worship Pastor and his wife were my customers at the Inn. They were the first people I served in my new job and there was just something really special about them. He had his arm in a cast, and she had just spent the day in the emergency room because some heavy equipment had fallen on her neck. I just felt a lot of tenderness toward them and ministered to them in any way I could. I won't go into all the details, but suffice it to say there are just encounters where God opens up doors and by the end of the evening we were exchanging e-mail addresses and had way more personal interaction than is usual in the formal setting of the Inn Restaurant. They told me about their VBS program and how, because of the high poverty level in Mount Joy, they offer a meal to everyone in the community free of charge before the program every evening. It also helps working parents who might struggle to have time to fix a meal for their kids after they get home and still make it to VBS on time. So, since I hadn't contacted this couple, and since my kids LOVE VBS, I decided we'd go. Well, I must say, the girls loved it, and I reconnected with Beryl, the Worship Pastor's wife. The people were so friendly at the church and you could just really sense God's presence there. I was really blessed. But what I fell in love with is the sanctuary. GORGEOUS stained glass. Very hard to describe how simple and yet elegant and beautiful. Not even the VBS decorations could detract from it all. I hung out in the sanctuary for most evenings because Sarah is a little shaky at these things, and so I had lots of time to think about things. "OK Lord," I prayed, "This church is perfect for me...Stained glass...oh and bells, the kind that actually work. They have an amazing kids program--on Wednesday nights they have a kids worship group called The Clap Team, where they teach the kids to worship. My girls would LOVE that. They have an excellent pre-school program for Sarah. They have a heart for needy people. I seem to have some deep connection with some of the people here--they are already asking me to sing with them. It's much closer to our house, there are a lot of guys Matt would like AND...the Methodists ordain women!!!!"

It was really weird what I was experiencing. I sensed that there truly was a reason He was connecting me to this church and these people, but at the same time, I didn't feel released from the church where I was at. Honestly I was feeling quite conflicted. So I've been spending some time praying through all of this. Last time I talked with Rev. Mary, she and I talked about some of the things that God has been showing me regarding the church I am at, why I am there and what some of God's purposes are. I have been confused lately because some of the things I have felt God was showing me would open up there have yet to take place. And God has very clearly showed me that I am not to try and help "make" them happen. Mary helped me to have some insight into some things, and told me that there were some divine appointments, and that the Lord at some point was going to ask me to speak to some people there. She cautioned me to test it out very carefully. None of that has yet to happen. But I understand that sometimes, people don't do their part, or things change for various reasons, and I'm OK with not knowing why. So I kept asking the Lord if I was done there, if I could go. And when I finally got a response back, it was so hilarious. I just sense such a draw to one place and yet such a firm hold from the other, in my frustration I said to the Lord, "You have to give me some clarity here, I can't be connected to two places at once!" And I felt the Lord laughing, and in that moment I knew that is exactly what He was saying. So finally I let go my exasperation and laughed and said, "OK, but you really are going to have to work out all the details and show me how each step of the way."

This morning, we are going to The Worship Center. The Pastor is going to be speaking on the Armor of God, and I know we are to be there for that. And that is always exciting. It keeps my ears perked when I know God is going to speak and He wants me to hear it.

There is another appointment in the works...I already know He is asking me to get copies of the sermons for someone else. It's so wonderful to be in the service of the King and to be going about His business. And when He finally opens our eyes to what He has been up brings such a sense of fulfillment, and an understanding of His purposes and how valuable and meaningful our lives really are to Him...but I'll tell you more about that appointment later. I need to get 4 girls ready for church!

1 comment:

jean said...

Divine appointments...there are yet more to come as we seek Him diligently and expectantly for His Hand to guide, His Voice to speak and His Peace in which to rest.

Thank you for the reminders of His Appointments.
