Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Love Remains

Photo by Bgrace

A box of crackers on my table asks me, "Why sacrifice?"
The cold wind that swirls around me as I move up the hill tells of a storm in the making.  "You should turn back now," it warns. 
Signs block the road home challenging me, "Do Not Enter." 
I will not listen.  They are dark threats.  I know now to discern them for what they are. 
Love remains.  Love casts your fear aside and says,
I never left you.  I'm here.
I know it's not always quite so clear.
Wish I could change your questions, dispell your fears.
When my gifts feel like fists.
Or a slash at your wrists.
Know this: "The more you are loved the less you are spared."*
The truth is not a dare, rather
An openness to share
Pain and difficulty.
It is love in all its symphony.

*Francois Fenelone

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