Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Over You--The Couple in the Bookstore Cafe (Tenderness Series, Part IV)

Tired Rose by Bgrace

With a smirk, a shrug, a stare at the floor,
He shred sacred dreams, her hope there was more
"Maybe guys are better, not being love's debtor."
He was done, didn't even seem sore.
His back speaking for him as he walked out the door.
"I'm over you.
All over you."

Yet still she could count the thumps in her palm
Of the heart beating in his chest,
And his wailing rhymes echoed through the caves of her mind
Whenever she tried to rest.
The sound of his spite was always loudest,
"I'm over you.
All over you."

Her dreams filled up with poisonous ink
Black tire tread on their white and pink
Anger drove him away
Led him astray
In his pocket were the keys to her heart.
His radio sang out in three parts,
"I'm over you,
All over you."

Yet still he sat in her temple
Whenever she tried to pray
And she still cried in bed
As if her body were in the wrong place.
Finally she came to the lasting conclusion,
"I'm over you,
All over you."

Her knees bent down all over you
Her prayers came down all over you
Her tears splashed down all over you
Her hair swept down all over you
Her love poured down all over you.
Her song sang loud,
"I'm over you,
All over you."

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