Grace and Em love to play the "animal" guessing game in the car, their rules are that the person thinking of the animal has to say the first letter of the name of the animal they are thinking of and then we all have to guess. Well, Emily picked an animal that we couldn't guess that started with a d, so after a while, Matt, totally straight faced, started guessing every animal he could think of and putting a d in front of it...like doodpecker, dorse, dark,dongoose. Emily couldn't decide for a while if he was kidding or not. We were laughing so hard we were all crying.
Sarah finally got to try out her new pool, which is set up conveniently on the deck so that I can be in the kitchen working while she's playing. She mostly uses it as a big pouring basin. She pours stuff into pitchers and cups and bowls and usually takes them over and serves them to Sam. (Though sometimes she decides he's hot and needs to wear them.)
It was so fun to see the girls' dance on stage at the Hershey Theatre...ok, I was actually weeping, but it was a smiling kind of crying. This picture was taken before the show, after they were tired of standing next to each other smiling for my camera. I think they enjoyed this dramatic interpretation a bit too much.

I still giggle when I remember the look on the 60+ year old man's face when I asked him for ID before I would serve him champagne (after I'd served all the 40 year olds at the table).
I picked a bowl full of strawberries from my own garden. (Oh, and made mojitos from my mint patch!)
Sam ran away after a doggie friend in the neighborhood and they chased each other into the creek nearby--but they couldn't find their way back up to the embankment. They were having so much fun swimming around I almost didn't mind. (Though he was so wet and muddy my house smelled like wet dog the rest of the night, even after he was banished to the basement for running away.)
Today, I asked Sarah to sing for me and she sang me a "luvaby." (It's perfect, isn't it?)
I love all of this joy and smiled with you!
Sounds like a lot of perfect moments. Makes me happy to read them. oh, and I'll be sending Lily over soon to play in that pool with Sarah! She LOVES scooping and pouring water right now too!!!
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